Orthopedic Injuries That Are More Common in Men

Orthopedic Injuries That Are More Common in Men

Your risk of some injuries to bones, tendons 和 joints may be higher depending on your sex.

Orthopedic injuries are those that affect the musculoskeletal system of the body. This includes bones, joints, ligaments, tendons 和 muscles. These injuries can happen to anyone at any age, but some 骨科损伤 tend to be more common in men than women. 也有 骨科损伤 that are more likely to happen in women than men.

Here are a few 骨科损伤 common in men:

  • 跟腱损伤 – Men are three times more likely to experience an Achilles tendon injury than women. 这肌腱, 身体里最大的是哪个, connects the calf muscle to the ankle bone, 允许脚弯曲. Injuries to this tendon are often a result of sudden stress, such as when a person jumps or moves quickly while playing sports. Injury is most common in sports like football, basketball 和 track.
  • 手部和手腕骨折 – Men are more likely to break a bone in their h和, wrist, elbow 和 arm. This occurs because they are more likely to participate in activities that may result in these types of 骨折. 一些最常见的原因 手和手腕 骨折 are contact sports like football 和 basketball, as well as sports such as mountain biking, 滑板和滑雪. Another cause of these injuries is doing projects around the house or having a job that is physical in nature. Fractures can occur from falling off a ladder or using some types of tools.
  • 半月板损伤 – The cartilage that stabilizes your knee 和 acts as a shock absorber is called the meniscus. 这个软骨容易受伤, especially in people who engage in sports 和 activities with a lot of pivoting or squatting. It can also occur due to overuse or degeneration as a result of aging. Men are more likely to experience meniscal tears than women, which are often accompanied by swelling, 疼痛, reduced range of motion 和 instability in the knee. You may feel a popping sensation when the meniscus tears.
  • 肩袖损伤 – One of the most common 骨科损伤 in men affects the tendons that attach the muscles in the shoulder blade to the upper arm so the arm can rotate in its socket. These injuries may occur due to a sudden or unexpected 运动或意外 和 can also happen from overuse. Some of the most common injuries affecting this area include rotator cuff tendonitis 和 shoulder bursitis, 导致炎症. A tear in one of the tendons of the rotator cuff may also occur.

It is not always possible to prevent 骨科损伤 since they often occur due to a sudden motion, 运动或意外. The one thing you can do to make it less likely you'll experience one of these injuries is to do exercises that improve muscle strength, 骨骼健康和柔韧性. Warm up 和 cool down before 和 after activities. And take necessary precautions, when possible, to prevent injuries from falls, sports 和 trauma.


Our dedicated musculoskeletal team is here for you at all stages of life, with the most advanced treatments 和 therapies available in the area. From arthritis 和 osteoporosis to trauma care, 关节置换术等, you can be sure that our providers are highly experienced in their chosen specialty to provide you with the best treatment available. 


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Date Last Reviewed: April 18, 2024

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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