

的 宾夕法尼亚州塞尔的塞尔希望之家. provides housing for family members of patients who travel a distance to the Sayre campus. 希望之家 volunteers answer phones and take messages, 帮助筹款, 次要的家务和厨房工作, 迎接和登记新客人, 维护记录, 并在客人需要时提供帮助. 咨询电话:570-887-6615.


One of the greatest privileges at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 is participating in the birth of a new child. 的 婴儿画廊 is proudly presented for family and friends near and far to enjoy baby’s first photo.


的 cafeteria at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 is located on the main level (second floor) of the hospital. 它每周7天从早上6点开始营业.m. 到晚上7点.m.  Hot food is available as follows: breakfast (6 - 10 a.m.),午餐(10:45).m. 至下午1:30.m.),晚餐(3:45 - 7点).m.). At other times, packaged food is available in the refrigerator cases. 的 Coffee Shop, located in the Atrium Lobby is open from 8:00 a.m. 到下午4点.m. every weekday, excluding holidays, for the convenience of our patients and their families.


Cell phones may be used anywhere on campus except within three feet of certain equipment. 的se pieces of equipment are noted by a special sticker. If you are unsure if cell phone use is permitted in a certain area, 请询问临床工作人员.

的 Connection, Robert Packer Hospital Auxiliary Gift Shop

的 Connection Gift Shop is located on the ground level on the concourse between 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 and Guthrie Clinic. 营业时间欢迎电话订购. 可以送去病房. 接受信用卡. It is operated by the Robert Packer Hospital Auxiliary. 


  • 周一至周五:上午9点.m. 到5点.m. 
  • 周六 & 桑迪:关闭
    Hours are subject to change due to the availability of volunteer staff.

的 Robert Packer Hospital Auxiliary seeks volunteers to help with 的 Connection Gift Shop. 咨询电话:570-887-4702 

Pastoral 服务 at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院

Robert Packer Hospital employs a full-time chaplain, 拉里·詹宁斯牧师, 针对普通医院人群. To reach the chaplain during regular business hours, call 570-887-4309. 下班后牧师有急事, call 570-888-6666 and the hospital operator will contact the chaplain. 无教派的礼拜堂, 每天24小时/每周7天开放使用, is located on the third level of the hospital between the C and D elevator banks.


Guthrie prohibits the use of all tobacco products at all of its campuses and office locations. This policy will be enforced in a manner which promotes prevention and awareness, and provides education for those who use tobacco.


探视时间一般是早上7点.m. 晚上9点.m. 晚上9点以后.m., visitors must enter via a designated hospital entrance and go through a hospital-specific visitor identification process.

的 Guthrie Clinic’s visitation practices are non-discriminatory and do not restrict, 限制, 或者以种族为由拒绝探视, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 性别认同, 性取向, 或残疾. 病人有这个权利, 经他们同意, 接待他们指定的来访者, 包括但不限于配偶, domestic partner (including a same-性 domestic partner), 另一个家庭成员, 或者是朋友, and it is their right to withdraw or deny such consent at any time.

Visitation may be restricted or 限制ed when it is deemed clinically necessary and/or as required by federal/state/local regulations. 例如, visitors with fever or 流感-like symptoms or who have an acute or communicable illness/condition are not permitted to visit.

游客 are subject to all relevant policies of the hospital and of 的 Guthrie Clinic and may be asked to leave if their behavior warrants (such as: not following Guthrie’s Tobacco-free Environment policy,  表现出暴力行为, 或者没有遵守感染预防政策).

Some departments have additional visitation procedures:


  • Robert Packer Hospital Sayre: One visitor at a time.
    • 成人:周一至周五,下午6点至7点.m.,星期六/日下午12时至1时.m. 还是6- 7p.m.
    • 青少年:周一到周五,5-6便士.m.; 周六/Sunday from 1-2 p.m. 5-6 p.m.

Labor, Delivery, Recovery and Post-Partum (LDRP):

Visitation Hours on Maternity units are between 9 a.m.- 9 p.m., with a support person(s) staying with the patient allowed to be present at all times. Limit of two support persons during the labor and birth process. If the patient chooses to employ a Doula to accompany her, she will be allowed the Doula PLUS two visitors during labor (if the patient’s medical condition and space allow). 兄弟姐妹探视可能发生, 除了流感季节, 10/1-3/31, when children less than 12 are not permitted to visit. 兄弟姐妹不允许过夜.


Two visitors at the bedside during visitation hours, with the exception of family meetings. Visitation is dependent upon the patient's condition and the condition of other patients in that area. Outside of visitation hours, visitation is based on patient/family needs and unit activity.

  • 罗伯特·帕克医院重症监护室:上午10点.m. - 8 p.m.


Children may have one or both parents/guardians with them at all times pre-and post-operation. 游客 are not permitted in the Operating Room, with the following exceptions:

  • A support person for cesarean sections unless being performed under general anesthesia.
  • A parent of a child, when deemed necessary, until anesthesia is administered.
  • A patient with special needs who is calmed by the presence of their guardian or caretaker.